Join the team as a volunteer for our annual mission trip to Haiti. Learn more about us by visiting our FAQ page.

We want to hear from you. For questions or more information about volunteer opportunities with Health Ministries for Haiti, fill out the form below and we will respond as quickly as possible.

* indicates required field

*I verify that all of the above information is true, complete, and correct, and I understand that if it is not, I am disqualifying myself for a volunteer/intern position. I also understand that I am applying for a volunteer/intern position and that this is not an application for, nor a contract of paid employment. I further agree that as a Health Ministries for Haiti volunteer, I will not accept any payment for my services. I will also take required training where applicable. I authorize any verification of applicable licensure if it is required for my volunteer position.

Haitian proverb:
Men anpil chay pa lou.
Many hands make the load lighter.